
Welcome and thanks for joining. Enjoy this journey.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” — Virginia Woolf



Well, here we are. The Vegan Mary, post the Covid shitshow. Ha! Wishful thinking, friends. We aren’t really post anything. We are simply adjusting to a new way of life. A life permeated with face masks, hand sanitizer, and home schooling. (In descending order of my personal preference.)

In March, I stopped going to restaurants. I stopped going to the grocery. Actually, I stopped going anywhere. And while my time at home started with new recipe challenges and attempts at video cooking demos, it quickly deteriorated into a swirling mess of self-pity city, home school oppressor, and hausfrau. The no travel mandate dominoed into canceled culinary school, followed quickly by an insurmountable lack of motivation phase. And it is from this phase I now try to extract myself.

I’ve dubbed it ‘The Vegan Mary: Living & Learning.’ First we name it. Then we tame it. 

What does ‘Living & Learning’ really mean? I am adapting, ever so slowly, to what Covid life means. For me. My family. My fledgling business. It means no wallowing in plans once written. No floundering in the wishes of what could or would have been, nor what was supposed to be. It means stepping into our new reality, even with just a toe. We are stepping, nonetheless. 

These steps certainly weren’t instantaneous. And definitely wasn’t comfortable. And that’s how we know we are doing what needs to be done. This is what it means to push forward. Rarely easy and never with certainty. This is what we call progress. 

…right? (my thoughts circa May)  

…right. (my thoughts circa July)

…right! (my thoughts in September) 

And so it is with this knowledge we move forward with The Vegan Mary. Replenished. Refocused. And ready for what comes next:

  • Personalized consultations and coaching offerings. 

  • New and diverse product reviews. 

  • A little less dine-in, a little more take out.

Regardless of the uncertainty that abounds, one thing is for sure. We will all figure out how to navigate this new landscape together.  And as our journey finds its way forward, we invite all of you to join us for ‘Living & Learning.’ We forever remain committed to delivering tasty ideas, seasoned advice, and sweet vibes. May we educate, help, and push each other onward.   

My First Podcast

My First Podcast

St Paddy’s Day

St Paddy’s Day